Membership is open to all public and private Entrepreneurs and all companies, MNC’s, SMEs and Industry Associations.
MSMECC is rapidly becoming the voice and choice for all Industries. Directly or Indirectly , it has approximately 150+ companies from Manufactures Services & Marketing companies, Consultancy and service Organisation to Industry Associations.
- Networking with the business community
- Assist in farming economic & industrial polices through close linkage with the government
- Access to Research, Surveys, Knowledge papers, press Release
- Participation in Exhibitions, Trade Fairs, Conferences, Seminars Business to Business Programs
- Skill Development Program
- Training facilitation
- Trade Business documentation assistance
- Credit Counselling
- Loan Guidance
- Subsidies & Subventions Assistance under various Industrial promotion program of government of India(GOI)
- Marketing assistance
- Branding assistance
- Industrial approvals guidance
- Export promotion
- Participate in out reach program India Rural employment development schemes
- Facilitating framers first-Promoted farm produce Industries
- Facilitating FPOs & SHGs
- Vigilance & Diligence Work shops